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Post-Buddhist Thoughts

The information published here belongs to the archives of humanity, it is the result of a chain of intermediaries spanning several millennia - and not of a pretentious me-I - because no 'true' source exists. The origin of a Thought is outside the knowledge acquired by the ego. The Spirit is absolutely free of access to all Beings, it is from all eternity in LIFE and the Kosmos.

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These post-Buddhist thoughts, like enlightenment, are heterodox. Orthodoxy belongs to minds crystallized in a dogmatic institutional doctrine. Buddhist thought is evolutionary and pedagogical in nature, the dharma is transmitted through one's own experiences based on study, meditation and action, with a vast openness of mind. Historical Buddhisms, through the ages, have 'invented' concepts inspired by the Vedas, then by the multiple sutras transcribing aspects of the teachings of Buddhas and bodhisattvas, by meditation, reflection, and the influences of thinkers Indians and Tibetans, then in China and Japan by syncretizing Taoist, animist and Confucian noumena to produce various systems of thought. These schools were studied by academics (non-spiritualists) in the West and then in the East during the 19th and 20th centuries. Since then, many New Age Spiritualists have continued this Eastern 'tradition' of study, meditation, and action. This has given rise to new syncretisms and operating methods inspired, but different, from ancient Buddhist exercises (yoga, mantra, yantra, meditations). From now on in the 21st century, if traditional Buddhist schools still exercise and have a hold on their followers, post-Buddhist thoughts freed from official doctrines and dogmas are developing, either in constituted groups or individually, according to the historical principle of momentum of openness and spiritual liberation of Buddhist philosophies. In this context, the Being building his relationship to the World, develops his spiritual point of view by drawing inspiration from a plurality of concepts according to his needs. He fashions philosophical and metaphysical elements at his disposal to create from them his projection of existence in the World. Thus develop individual human 'dreams of evolution' projected by awakened Beings, following the concepts and modalities of non-action and benevolence, and which have an impact on the future of Humanity through various forms of conceptualization and concretization (ethical alternatives). The 'Dream-evolution' replaces the social and political cultural revolution.

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